Word Music Publications
Mixed Folios II

Word Music publications are overall higher quality than any other comparable publisher. The arrangements tend to be more difficult, but are worth the extra effort. Word Music publishes only Christian music, and it is obvious that they take extra effort in representing music in print. If you can find the song(s) you are looking for in one of the publications on this page, you can be assured you are buying the best arrangements in print.
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Lord Be Glorified:
Keepsake Edition

Piano Solo
This keepsake edition features the songs from all three "Lord, Be Glorified" books plus three new arrangements for a total of 49 titles. This spiral-bound book also includes a special biography section and notes from arranger Mark Hayes. For the intermediate level and above church pianist, this is one of the best sources in print. - RV
all hail king jesus all hail the power of jesus' name alleluia as the deer be still and know be still my soul be thou my vision change my heart oh god come just as you are come, let us worship and bow down create in me a clean heart, o god doxology fairest lord jesus give thanks glorify thy name he has made me glad he is exalted he is lord holy ground how excellent is thy name how majestic is your name humble thyself in the sight of the lord i exalt thee i love you lord i sing praises i stand in awe i will call upon the lord i will sing of the mercies (of the lord) interlude i interlude ii interlude iii interlude iv interlude ix interlude v |
interlude vi interlude vii interlude viii isn't he? jesus, name above all names lamb of god lift high the lord our banner lord, be glorified lord, i lift your name on high majesty more precious than silver o come, let us adore him o how he loves you and me oh, how i love jesus (o how i love jesus) open our eyes praise the name of jesus shine, jesus, shine sing unto the lord song for the nations stand up, stand up for jesus the battle belongs to the lord the majesty and glory of your name think about his love this is the day thou art worthy thy word we are an offering we bow down we bring the sacrifice of praise we declare your majesty we worship and adore you you are crowned with many crowns you are my all in all you are my hiding place |
Modern Worship Songs For a New Generation "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever"

Most, but not all songs, have melody in piano part, so this can overall work for piano solo, as well as for piano/vocal. Contains many of the more recent Contemporary Christian hits from CCM artists such as Passion, Matt Redman, Delirious?, Tom Lane, etc. Clarity is excellent on the page, arrangements are very good, as is often the case with CCM music (fortunately!).
better is one day - Passion come, now is the time to worship - Noel Richards did you feel the mountains tremble? - Matt Redman every move i make - Passion the happy song - Delirious the heart of worship - Matt Redman with Martin Smith i could sing of your love forever - Sonicflood i will exalt your name - Passion jesus, friend of sinners - Paul Oakley jesus, lover of my soul - Passion joy - Tim Hughes lord, reign in me - Brenton Brown once again - Matt Redman |
open the eyes of my heart - Praise Band pour out your spirit - Tom Lane set me on fire - The Burn Service shout to the lord - Matt Redman shout to the north - Delirious thank you for the blood - Matt Redman trading my sorrows - Darrell Evans we fall down - Passion we want to see jesus lifted high - Noel Richards what a friend i've found - The Stoneleigh Band you are merciful to me - Ian White you're worthy of my praise - Passion |
Shout to the Lord!

Piano Solo
Phillip Keveren has established a reputation for quality arrangements at the intermediate level. These praise songs are arranged beautifully, overall not technically too difficult but some work will be required!
as the deer el shaddai give thanks great is the lord how beautiful how majestic is your name lord i lift your name on high |
more precious than silver o how he loves you and me oh lord you're beautiful a shield about me shine jesus shine shout to the lord thy word |
Songs For Praise And Worship

Very large collection. $29.95 SORRY - OUT OF PRINT
This is the consumer, or sing-along, edition of Word Music's new hymnal companion of the same title. The sing-along edition contains an easy to play keyboard part (upper easy piano to lower intermediate level), with the melody in the right hand. Some descant lines are included. Chord symbols are also included above each line. This edition is perfect for private home use, small group or Sunday School use, or as an easy keyboard option for church. "Songs for Praise and Worship" contains many unique features, including "built-in" medleys. Over 160 songs are included in medleys, for which all needed transitional material has been provided in the Optional Segue endings. The medleys relate topically, and they also use stylistically similar songs that require little tempo variation for the most part. (The above description is based on information presented in the Preface.) This is a very impressive, comprehensive collection, spiral bound.
a perfect heart a shield about me abba father above all else (Dearman) above all else (Waler - Ross) ah, lord god all consuming fire all hail, king jesus all that i need alleluia almighty antiphonal praise (we worship you) arise and sing arise shine as the deer as we gather at the name of jesus awesome god awesome power battle belongs to the lord, the be bold, be strong be exalted, o god (i will give thanks) be still and know because he lives behold the lamb behold, what manner of love bind us together bless god bless his holy name bless the lord bless the lord, o my soul bless the name of jesus blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the name of the lord blow the trumpet in zion cares chorus carry the light celebrate jesus change my heart, o god chosen generation come and praise him, royal priesthood come into his presence come into the king's chambers come let us offer come, holy spirit come, let us worship and bow down commune with me cornerstone emmanuel everlasting hope exalt the lord our god father god father, i adore you for the lord is marching on for this purpose garment of praise give thanks glorify the lord glorify thy name glory to the king glory to the lamb god is my refuge god is the strength of my heart god will make a way great and mighty great are you, lord great is the lord great is the lord almighty greatest thing, the hallelujah! our god reigns hallowed be thy name he is exalted he is jehovah he is lord he is lovely he is our peace he is the king he who began a good work in you here comes jesus here i am his name is life his name is wonderful holy ground (Beatty) holy ground (Davis) holy is he holy is the lord holy is your name holy spirit, thou art welcome holy, holy holy, holy, holy (hosanna) holy, holy, holy is the lord of hosts hosanna how excellent is thy name how majestic is your name humble thyself in the sight of the lord i am crucified with christ i am the god that healeth thee i exalt thee i extol you i live i love to praise him i love you with the love of the lord i love you, lord i sing praises i stand in awe i will arise i will bless the lord i will bless thee, o lord i will call upon the lord i will celebrate i will come and bow down i will enter his gates (he has made me glad) i will glorify i will sing of the mercies i will worship you, lord i worship you, almighty god i'm forever grateful i'm loving you more every day in all things give him thanks in him we live in his presence in his time in moments like these in my life, lord, be glorified in the name of the lord isn't he? |
it is a good thing to give thanks jehovah - jireh jehovah to me jesus be praised jesus is king jesus is lord of all jesus is my lord jesus, lord to me jesus, my jesus jesus, name above all names jesus, what a wonder you are joy of my desire joy of the lord, the king of kings lamb of glory lamb of god let god arise (Bacon) let god arise (Sellers) let god be god in me let the peace of christ rule in your heart let the redeemed let there be glory and honor and praises let there be praise let your spirit rise within me let's just praise the lord lift high the lord our banner lift up your heads lion of judah lord is my light, the lord reigneth, the lord, we praise you majesty majesty and glory of your name, the make me a servant make us one making war in the heavenlies mighty is our god mighty warrior more precious than silver my all in all my life is in you, lord my lord, my god my tribute (to god be the glory) no other name now unto him now unto the king eternal o come, let us adore him o lord, you're beautiful o magnify the lord o the blood of jesus oh for a thousand tongues oh, how he loves you and me oh, the glory of your presence open our eyes, lord our god is lifted up our god reigns people of god praise him praise the name of jesus praise to the holy one reign in me rejoice revive us, oh lord see his glory seek ye first shine, jesus shine sing hallelujah sing unto the lord (Patillo) sing unto the lord (Unknown) song for the nations spirit of god spirit of the living god spirit song stand up steadfast love of the lord, the strong name of jesus, the surely the presence sweet, sweet spirit sweetest name of all, the take me in thank you, lord! there is a redeemer there is no other name there's something about that name therefore the redeemed of the lord think about his love this is the day thou art a shield for me thou art worthy thou art worthy, great jehovah thy loving kindness thy word to him who sits on the throne to thee we ascribe glory trees of the field, the turn your eyes upon jesus unto thee, o lord victory song (through our god) we are an offering we bow down we bring the sacrifice of praise we celebrate we give you praise (Chapman) we give you praise (Wolfe) we have come into his house we remember you we will glorify we will overcome we will triumph in the lord we worship and adore you what a mighty god we serve when i look into your holiness while we are waiting, come with all my heart wonderful, merciful savior worthy is the lamb worthy of worship worthy the lamb that was slain worthy, you are worthy you are crowned with many crowns you are my all in all you are my god you are my hiding place you have been good you who are thirsty your mercy flows |
More Songs For Praise And Worship

This anthology features 55 powerful songs from today's leading psalmists. The selections have been ordered so that there are 2 or 3 songs together that can work as a medley just by segueing from one song to the next, and each song includes a written-out introduction. After playing through most of this collection, I have to say that I'm very impressed with the beauty of the arrangements, which work for piano solo or for vocal with piano. Highly recommended, this really is an excellent collection at about the intermediate level.- R Vaga
agnus dei ancient of days awesome in this place be glorified because we believe blessing, honour and glory come and behold him come just as you are crown him king of kings cry of my heart draw me close firm foundation god is good all the time great and mighty is he hallelujah to the lamb he is able holy and anointed one i believe in jesus i see the lord i will celebrate i will never be (the same again) in the secret (i want to know you) jehovah reigns jesus, draw me close jesus is alive jesus, we crown you with praise jesus, you are my life jesus, your name knowing you let it be said of us |
let it rise lord, i lift your name on high more love, more power most holy lord no greater love nobody fills my heart like jesus refiner's fire refresh my heart salvation belongs to our god sanctuary shine on us shout to the lord step by step the family prayer song the lord reigns the name of the lord (blessed be the name of the lord) the power of your love the river is here this kingdom we declare your majesty we sing worthy we will worship the lamb of glory white as snow who can satisfy my soul like you? you're worthy of my praise |
Tis The Season

Intermediate Piano Solo
Arranged by Ken Barker. 15 fresh and creative arrangements that are accessible to the intermediate-level pianist.
Includes a broad variety of songs, including: all is well / angels we have heard on high / away in a manger / dance of the sugar plum fairy / deck the hall / hark the herald angels sing / he is born the holy child / jingle bells / joy to the world / o come all ye faithful / o holy night / silent night / tennessee christmas / the birthday of a king / welcome to our world. Also includes lyric pages.
WoW Worship Songbook: The Blue Book

Piano/Vocal/Chord Symbols
Includes songs by such Christian artists as Jars of Clay, Rebecca St. James, Delirious, Darlene Zschech, Darrell Evans, Michael W. Smith, and more. These are exceptional arrangements, but for vocalist with piano! Since the melody is not in the piano part, this collection (and the others that follow in this series) is not suitable for solo piano. But, if you are a good singer, these three books are the best sources in print for the included songs.
ancient of days blessed be the lord god almighty blessed be the name of the lord change my heart oh god come into his presence come let us worship and bow down come now is the time to worship father i adore you give thanks i could sing of your love forever i love you lord i will celebrate in his time isn't he jesus name above all names |
let it rise let the river flow lord i lift your name on high mighty is our god more love more power more precious than silver my life is in you lord open our eyes open the eyes of my heart refiner's fire shout to the lord take my life the heart of worship the river is here we will embrace your move |
WoW Worship Songbook: The Green Book

Piano/Vocal/Chord Symbols
Volume III of the series.
agnus dei all things are possible awesome in this place breathe come just as you are cry of my heart draw me close every move i make fuel good to me great is the lord hallelujah (your love is amazing) he is exalted he knows my name hosanna i worship you almighty god |
jesus draw me close lord reign in me my redeemer lives power of your love, the rise up and praise him seek ye first shout to the north that's why we praise him the doxology think about his love this is love to him who sits on the throne trading my sorrows unashamed love we fall down worthy you are worthy you're worthy of my praise |
Big Book of Contemporary Christian Favorites

Piano/Vocal/Guitar $19.95
Huge collection, published by Hal Leonard. This is a Word Music web page, but this is still the best place to promote this collection.
Excellent collection, piano accompaniment around the intermediate level. Most songs have melody in piano part, some have accompaniment to the vocal line. Overall, ideal for the vocalist with piano, marginal for piano solo (there are always good bridge passages, complete intros and codas). Songs which contain vocal harmonizations for duet or 3-part have the additional notes added in smaller print. Highly recommended, especially for competent vocalists. As with most Contemporary Christian music, the level of arrangements are more difficult than in pop music. (good!)
abba (father) - Rebecca St. James always have always will - Avalon angels - Amy Grant chorus of faith - Michael Card down on my knees - Susan Ashton el shaddai - Amy Grant, Michael Card favorite song of all - Phillips Craig and Dean find a way - Amy Grant find us faithful - Steve Green friends - Michael W. Smith the great divide - Point of Grace great is the lord - Michael W. Smith he walked a mile - Clay Crosse his eyes - Steven Curtis Chapman house that mercy built - Point of Grace i will be here - Steven Curtis Chapman i'll be believing - Point of Grace i'll lead you home - Michael W. Smith in christ alone - Michael English in heaven's eyes - Sandi Patty jesus freak - DC Talk just one - Phillips Craig and Dean let us pray - Steven Curtis Chapman a little more - Jennifer Knapp |
love in any language - Sandi Patty love will be our home - Sandi Patty a maze of grace - Avalon my utmost for his highest - Twila Paris oh lord you're beautiful - Keith Green people need the lord - Steve Green pray - Rebecca St. James revive us o lord - Carman run to you - Twila Paris serve the lord - Carman shine on us - Phillips Craig and Dean sing your praise to the lord - Amy Grant, Rich Mullins sometimes he calms the storm - Scott Krippayne speechless - Steven Curtis Chapman there is a redeemer - Keith Green this i know - Margaret Becker this love - Margaret Becker thy word - Amy Grant to know you - Nichole Nordeman undivided - First Call via dolorosa - Sandi Patty we trust in the name of the lord our god - Steve Green whatever you ask - Steve Camp when it's time to go - 4Him where there is faith - 4Him wisdom - Twila Paris |
Best Contemporary Christian Songs Ever

Piano/Vocal/Guitar $19.95
Melody is usually, but not always, in the piano part. Overall, this collection would be best suited for use by a singer, with piano (or perhaps guitar) accompaniment. All songs contain chord symbols as well as guitar fretboards above the staff. Several of the songs that are known to have two or three-part vocals, have the optional vocals added as smaller notes. Highly recommend.
abba (father) - Rebecca St. James arms of love - Amy Grant awesome god - Rich Mullins basics of life - 4Him coloring song - Petra crucified with christ - Phillips, Craig and Dean el shaddai - Amy Grant, Michael Card father's eyes - Amy Grant Favorite Song of All - Phillips, Craig and Dean find us faithful - Steve Green friend of a wounded heart - Wayne Watson friends - Michael W. Smith god is in control - Twila Paris god's own fool - Michael Card great adventure - Steven Curtis Chapman greata divide, the - Point of Grace he walked a mile - Clay Crosse heaven in the real world - Steven Curtis Chapman hide my soul - Avalon his strength is perfect - Steven Curtis Chapman how beautiful - Twila Paris i miss the way - Michael W. Smith i'll lead you home - Michael W. Smith if you could see me now - Truth in a different light - Avalon |
in the name of the lord - Sandi Patti jesus freak - DC Talk jesus will still be there - Point of Grace joy in the journey - Michael Card just one - Phillips, Craig and Dean lean on me - Kirk Franklin let us pray - Steven Curtis Chapman lion and the lamb, the - Crystal Lewis love in any language - Sandi Patti love will be our home - Sandi Patti mission, the - Steve Green my utmost for his highest - Twila Paris oh lord, you're beautiful - Keith Green on my knees - Jaci Velasquez people need the lord - Steve Green place in this world - Michael W. Smith serve the lord - Carman still called today - Steven Curtis Chapman thank you - Ray Boltz thy word - Amy Grant via dolorosa - Sandi Patti warrior is a child - Twila Paris we can make a difference - Jaci Velasquez when god's people pray - Wayne Watson where there is faith - 4Him |
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