Compl. Classical Catalogs

Selected Piano (Keyboard) Music of
J. S. Bach

The below are mostly Schirmer editions, with some Kalmus, Salabert, Ricordi mixed in. These are fine for casual use, the Busoni and Tausig editions are respected for their historical perspective and insight into their era of performance practice, the mixed collections of popular Bach works are a good value and fine for kids.
However. . . If you are a serious student, you must use authoritative editions for Bach, as very few of his original manuscripts survived into the age of published music, and everything published from the early 19th century on, was based on someone's - often a noted pianist of the period - opinion (that's why the Busoni/Tausig are interesting to puruse). So, scholarship enters the picture, and the use of the word "Urtext" (as close to original text as possible) takes on significant meaning.
The most authoritative editons are published by G. Henle Verlag (Germany). Henle editions are expensive, but are editions that will last a lifetime (at least yours and mine...) in terms of accurately representing what the Bach scholars believe is the closest representation to what the 'ol boy composed.
Check out the below, but also take some time to visit the Henle web pages on this site. I am not trying to steer anyone away from the low priced editions below, it's just that if you were a serious pianist and walked into my studio with a Schirmer/Czerny edition, I would insist you open the window and heave it, and get a respected edition (BTW - there are other wonderful editions of Bach besides Henle, but I have compared scores and find Henle the best for J.S. Bach).
Dr. Rein P. Vaga, D.M.A. Sheet Music Online
J.S. Bach Album of 21 Favorite Pieces
Aria in D (4th Partita)
Aria in F (Pentecost Cantata)
Bourree in A Minor (2nd English Suite)
Bouree in G (3rd Cello Suite)
Bouree in D (Trumpet Suite)
Bouree in G Minor (2nd Violin Sonata)
Gavotte in G (5th French Suite)
Gavotte in D Minor (6th English Suite)
Gavotte in D (6th Cello Suite)
Gigue in B Flat (1st Partita) |
Intrata in G Minor (5th Cello Suite)
Menuet in B Flat (1st Partita)
Menuet in B Minor (3d French Suite)
Menuet in D (1st Cello Suite)
Passepied in E Minor (5th English Suite)
Praeludium in B Flat (1st Partita)
Preamble in E (6th Violin Sonata)
Rondo-Gavotte in E (6th Violin Sonata)
Sarabande in E Minor (5th English Suite)
Sarabande in D Minor (1st French Suite) |
Bach "Arioso"
Chaconne in D Minor
Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue
Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue
Concerto in the Italian Style
Fantasy in C Minor
Prelude and Fugue in A Minor
Concerto in the Italian Style
19 Easy Pieces from
Little Anna Magdalene Bach Notebook
23 Easy Pieces Book with CD package (Ricordi edition) (SMO recommended title)
English Suites Bk. 1
English Suites Bk. 2
English Suites Critical Edition (Mugellini) (Ricordi edition)
Italian / French / English
Fantasia in C Minor
Fantasia e Fuga G Minor
(Liszt/Boghen) (Ricordi edition) (SMO recommended title)
First Lessons in Bach Book 1
First Lessons in Bach Book 2
French Suites
Goldberg Variations
371 Harmonized Chorales
69 Chorale Melodies
with Figured Bass
Chorales 1-91
Open Score
Inventions, 15 Two-Part
Inventions, 15 Three-Part $5.95
Italian Concerto
Salabert Edition
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Note regarding Jesu, Joy above - from Dr. Vaga. . . The individual sheet of "Jesu Joy" above is rather difficult and awkward, in my opinion, more of an advanced piano arrangement. You must be able to comfortably reach 10ths in the left hand, and have very good control of double-notes in the right hand. If you're looking for an intermediate version of this work, the best arrangement I have found at the intermediate level is in the following collection. Check the contents, and if there are other works that you would enjoy, get this collection as it contains some real gems -- most notably the 18th variation of the Rachmaninoff "Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini" -- an otherwise impossible to find piece these days! - RV
Great Classical Themes
Classical Piano - Intermediate to Advanced
TOMASO ALBINONI: adagio in g minorJOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH: bist du bei mir / brandenburg concerto no. 2, first movement excerpt / brandenburg concerto no. 5, first movement excerpt / jesu, joy of man's desiring (jesus bleibet meine freude, from Cantata No. 147, Herz Und Mund Und Tat Und Leben, originally for choir and orchestra) BEETHOVEN: piano concerto no. 5 in E-flat, first movement excerpt / symphony no. 5 in c minor, first movement excerpt / symphony no. 7 A major, second movement excerpt / turkish march (from The Ruin of Athens) BRAHMS: lullaby (wiegenlied) / symphony no. 1 in c minor, fourth movement excerpt / symphony no. 4 in e minor, first movement excerpt DEBUSSY: prelude to the afternoon of a faun, opening excerpt DVORAK: symphony no. 9 in e minor, second movement excerpt (From the New World) ELGAR: nimrod (from Enigma Variations) GABRIEL FAURE: apres un reve CESAR FRANCK: panis angelicus GRANCOIS-JOSEPH GOSSEC: gavotte CHARLES GOUNOD: funeral march of a marionette EDVARD GRIEG: in the hall of the mountain king GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL: air (from Water Music) / allegro (from Water Music) / pastoral symphony (from Messiah) / i know that my redeemer liveth (from Messiah) FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN: gypsy rondo / the heavens are telling (from The Creation) / symphony no. 104 in D major (London) first movement excerpt / trumpet concerto in E-flat major, first movement excerpt GUSTAV HOLST: jupiter (Chorale Theme, from The Planets) GUSTAV MAHLER: symphony no. 2 (Resurrection) fifth movement choral excerpt / symphony no. 5, second movement (Adagietto) MENDELSSOHN: fingal's cave overture (from The Hebrides) / violin concerto in e minor, first movement excerpt |
MOZART: ave verum corpus / lacrymosa (from Requiem) / piano concerto no. 21 in C major (Elvira Madigan) second movement excerpt / symphony no. 38 in D major (Prague) first movement excerpt / symphony no. 41 in C major (Jupiter) first movement excerptPACHELBEL: canon in D (originally for 3 violins and continuo) HUBERT PARRY: jerusalem SERGEI RACHMANINOFF: rhapsody on a theme of paganini, variation XVIII MAURICE RAVEL: pavane pour une infante defunte NICOLAY RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: sheherazade, themes from part 1 CAMILLE SAINT-SAENS: the swan (from Carnival of the Animals) FRANZ SCHUBERT: ave maria / die forelle (The Trout) / symphony no. 5 in B-flat major, first movement excerpt ROBERT SCHUMANN: ich grolle night (i bear no grudge) / piano concerto in a minor, first movement excerpt BEDRICH SMETANA: the moldau (from Ma Vlast) JOHN PHILIP SOUSA: the stars and stripes forever / washington post march JOHANN STRAUSS, JR.: by the beautiful blue danube, themes / tales from the vienna woods, themes RICHARD STRAUSS: allersellen (All Souls' Day) / also sprach zarathustra, opening theme PETER ILYICH TCHAIKOVSKY: 1812 overture, excerpt / dance of the reed flutes (from Nutcracker) / dance of the sugar plum fairy (from Nutcracker) / dance of the swans (from Swan Lake) / marche slav, excerpt / symphony no. 6 in b minor (Pathetique) first movement excerpt / violin concerto in D major, first movement excerpt GIUSEPPE VERDI: lacrymosa (from Requiem) ANTONIO VIVALDI: autumn (from The Four Seasons) first movement / gloria in excelsis (from Gloria) / mandolin concerto in C, first movement excerpt |
Little Preludes and Fugues
Italian / French / Spanish / English
8 Little Organ Preludes and Fugues
12 Little Preludes
18 Little Preludes and Fugues $8.95
Master Series for the Young
Vol. 1 $5.95
Air in E-Flat /
Air in F-Minor /
Bourree /
Chorale /
Gavotte and Musette /
Hymn /
6 Little Preludes /
March in D /
March in E-Flat /
6 Minuets /
Musette in D /
Polonaise in E /
Polonaise in G-Minor /
Prelude in C /
Notenbuchlein Anna Magdalena Sikorski Edition
Note: Unless you prefer Sikorski, I do not recommend this collection. Sikorski is very uneven in their publications, some of it looks like it was churned out on my Mac. . .- RV $18.95
The most authoritative edition of the Bach/Anna Magdalena is published by Henle, and it's not much more expensive:
Bach Notebook Anna Magdalena $24.95
8 Organ Chorale Preludes $5.95
Partitas Book 1 $9.95
6 Partite
(Montani) (Ricordi Publ.)
Prelude and Fugue in A-Minor
(Liszt/Hughes) $4.95
Prelude and Fugue No. 1 in C Major
(Busoni) $3.95
Short Preludes and Fugues $5.95
Siciliano Sonata No. 2 $3.95
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (the Dorian) $5.95
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (Busoni) $4.95
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (Tausig) (Ricordi Publ.) $7.95
Toccata in C (Busoni) $4.95
Well Tempered Clavier Book 1
(Great Performer's Edition)
(Anthony Newman) This is a good edition! - RV $14.95
Well Tempered Clavier Book 2
(Great Performer's Edition)
(Anthony Newman) This is a good edition! - RV $14.95
Well Tempered Clavier Bk. 1 (Czerny) $9.95
Well Tempered Clavier Bk. 2 (Czerny) $9.95
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