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Grieg: Lyric Pieces - Volume 2
Liszt: Legendes (Nos. 1-2)
Beethoven: Sonata,Op. 31,No. 2,D minor
Tchaikovsky: The Seasons Op. 37b
Dohnanyi: Ruralia Hungarica Op.32a
Beethoven: Sonatas - Volume 2
Beethoven: Sonata Op. 27,No. 2,C sharp minor,Moonlight
Rachmaninoff: Prelude in G minor,Op. 23,No. 5
Bartok: Young People at the Piano - Volume 2
Liszt: Twelve Etudes Op. 1
Beethoven: Fuer Elise
Tchaikovsky: Romance,Op. 5
Mozart: Sonatas - Volume 2
Bartok: Rhapsody (1st Version) Op. 1
Beethoven: Sonatas - Volume 2
Beethoven: Sonata,Op. 13,C minor (Pathétique)
Chopin: Waltzes
Debussy: Children's Corner
Liszt: Premiere Valse Oubliée
Rachmaninoff: Prelude in C sharp minor,Op. 3,No. 2
Schubert: Ave Maria
Bach: 13 Easy Short Piano Pieces from Notenbuchlein fur Anna Magdalena Bach
Beethoven: Sonatas - Volume 1
Bach: Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach
Mozart: Fantasy in D Minor,K397
Bach: English Suites BWV 806-811
Bach: 18 Short Preludes
Beethoven: Sonatas - Volume 1
Bach: Three-Part Inventions BWV 787-801
Strauss: Two Waltzes (Schatz Walzer,Du und Du)
Bartok: Four Dirges Op. 9a
Liszt: Les Preludes
Liszt: Fantasy on Themes from Figero and Don Giovanni by Mozart
Liszt: Five Mephisto Waltzes and Mephisto Polka
Albeniz: Suite Española Op.47
Liszt: Technical Studies - Volume 2
Liszt: Technical Studies - Volume 1
Liszt: Totentanz
Liszt: Consolations (Nos. 1-6)
Liszt: Sonata in B Minor
Liszt: La Campanella
Liszt: Ballade No. 2
Liszt: Venezia e Napoli (First Version) from Années de pélerinage
Liszt: Valse Impromptu
Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 5 - Héroïde - Élégiaque
Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
Liszt: Liebestraum (3 Nocturnes)
Liszt: Ave Maria
Liszt: Aux Cypres Ville D'este - No. 2 from Années de pèlerinage

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