Compl. Classical Catalogs

Irish Music Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales
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Folk Songs of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
This collection is one of the best sources in print. Arrangements are traditional, suitable for enjoyable playing on the piano, or as support for singing. Each song contains a brief, interesting paragraph regarding the source of the song, earliest known reference, etc. All songs contain complete lyrics, and these can often be many, many verses! Highly recommended collection.
all through the night allan water ash grove awa, whigs, awa baloo baleerie banks of the roses banks of the sweet primroses bard of armagh bells of aberdovey bendemeer's stream blow the wind southerly bluebells of scotland bold fenian men buttercup joe can ye sew cushions charlie is my darling cherry tree carol, the cock robin and jenny wren corn rigs are bonnie counting the goats croppy boy cruiskeen lawn cuckoo dear david of the white rock died for love dove down by the sally gardens early one morning eriksay love lilt fairest gwen farewell but whenever you welcome the hour flow gently sweet afton gently johnny, my jingalo green grow the rushes o green bushes greensleeves hares on the mountain highland lad my love was born ho ro my nut brown lady i wish i had the shepherd's lamb i'm seventeen come sunday idle days in summertime is there for honest poverty john o'dwyer of the glen joy upon thy bright cheek dances kevin barry kilgary mountain kind old man lark in the clear air, the lavender's blue leezie lindsay |
let erin remember the days of old lilli burlero little red fox little saucepan lullaby may day carol megan's fair daughter men of harlech molly brannigan monday tuesday mountains of mourne, the mrs. mcgrath my boy willlie my love is like a red red rose o no john o waly waly o'donnell aboo oak and the ash oft in the stilly night oh rowan tree on ilkla moor bah'at over the mountains over the stone parting glass, the piper o dundee rise rise thou merry lark rising of the moon road to the isles robin redbreast robin adair scots wha ha'e wi' wallace bled she moved through the fair shule aroon three ravens time i've lost in wooing tis pretty to be in ballinderry to see a swanson to the beggin i will go trees are getting high turn ye to me two maidens went milking one day wae's me for prince charlie wark of the weavers wearing of the green weaving lilt weel may the keel row whack fol the diddle when cockleshells turn silverbells when pat came over the hill will ye no come back again ye banks and braes |
Library of Irish Music
Varies - see below contents
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Huge, comprehensive collection, plastic comb (spiral) binding. Arrangements are all at the Intermediate level, some slightly more difficult. A fascinating collection, with an amazingly comprehensive assortment of Irish songs and instrumental tunes.
all the ways to galway (piano solo) another jig will do (piano solo) apples in winter (piano solo) bag of praties (piano solo) band played on barney's goat (piano solo) beauties of ireland (piano solo) because you're irish behind the bush in the garden (piano solo) believe me if all those endearing young charms bells of st. mary's billy the barber (piano solo) birth of saint patrick (piano solo) blackberry blossom (piano solo) blackbird (piano solo) boy for bewitching them (piano solo) bunch of currants (piano solo) catholic boys (piano solo) champion (piano solo) chorus reel (piano solo) clay pipe, the (piano solo) come back to erin come o'er the sea connaughtman's rambles (piano solo) country dance cruiskeen (piano solo) cruiskeen lawn cup of tea (piano solo) danny boy daughters of erin dawning of the day (piano solo) dear harp of my country dear little shamrock devil among the tailors (piano solo) devil's dream (piano solo) dick sand's hornpipe (piano solo) down by the river lee drops of brandy (piano solo) dublin bay durang's hornpipe (piano solo) emerald isle, the (piano solo) emigrant's reel (piano solo) erin, oh erin erin! the tear and the smile in thine eyes fairy reel (piano solo) father o'flynn fisher's hornpipe (piano solo) flannel jacket (piano solo) flogging reel (piano solo) flower of donnybrook (piano solo) flowers of edinburgh (piano solo) fox hunters jig (piano solo) frost is all over (piano solo) full dress (piano solo) galway reel (piano solo) gary owen (piano solo) get up old woman and shake yourself (piano solo) girl i left behind, the give my regards to broadway give us a drink of water (piano solo) green fields of america (piano solo) green fields of erin (piano solo) growling old woman (piano solo) guilderoy reel (piano solo) happy soldier (piano solo) harp that once thro' tara's halls harrigan has anybody here seen kelly? haste to the wedding (piano solo) hillside, the (piano solo) honeymoon (piano solo) hull's victory (piano solo) humors of bandon, the (piano solo) humors of castle comber (piano solo) if you're irish, come into the parlor i'll take you home again, kathleen i love my love in the morning in the valley near slievenamon ireland must be a garden (if you are a wild irish rose) ireland must be heaven (for my mother came from there) irish emigrant, the irish jubilee, the irish lilt (piano solo) irishman's heart to the ladies, an (piano solo) irish washerwoman (piano solo) isle o' dreams jackson's jig (piano solo) john james o'reilly joy of my life, the (piano solo) joys of wedlock (piano solo) kate kearney kathleen mavourneen kerry dance, the kerry girls, the (piano solo) killarney killdronghalt fair (piano solo) kitty of coleraine (piano solo) kitty of oulart (piano solo) lamplighter (piano solo) larry o'gaff (piano solo) last rose of summer |
lep up (piano solo) let erin remember the days of old little annie roonie little bit of heaven, a (shure they call it ireland) liverpool hornpipe (piano solo) love's young dream love thee, dearest low-backed car, the macnamara's band macushla maid on the green, the (piano solo) march (piano solo) mary's a grand old name mickey donohue miners of wicklow (piano solo) minstrel boy, the miss blair's fancy (piano solo) moll roe (piano solo) molly bawn molly brallaghan (piano solo) molly malone mother machree my beautiful irish maid my wild irish rose nellie kelly i love you norah, the pride of kildare o'donnell aboo oft in the stilly night oh! breathe not his name oh! steer my bark to erin's isle o katy o'neil old crow (piano solo) old lougolee (piano solo) old man dillon (piano solo) old reel, an (piano solo) opera reel (piano solo) paddy carey (piano solo) paddy o'carroll (piano solo) paddy whack (piano solo) patrick's pot (piano solo) patrick was a gentleman (piano solo) peeler's jacket (piano solo) peggy o'neil peg o' my heart peter street (piano solo) place in thy memory, a praties are dug, the (piano solo) pretty girl milking her cow, the pretty lass (piano solo) rakes of kildare, the (piano solo) rakes of sollohod, the (piano solo) real thing, the (piano solo) redhaired boy, the (piano solo) remember thee rickett's hornpipe (piano solo) rights of man, the (piano solo) rocky road to dublin, the (piano solo) rory o'more rose, the (piano solo) rose of tralee round the world for sport (piano solo) royal irish (piano solo) st. patrick's day st. patrick's day in the morning (piano solo) salamanca reel (piano solo) savourneen deelish shamrock (piano solo) shandon bells (piano solo) she's the daughter of mother machree shule, shule agrah (piano solo) sidewalks of new york silvermore (piano solo) sixpence, the (piano solo) smash the windows (piano solo) snowy breasted pearl, the soldiers joy (piano solo) sprig of shillelagh, the (piano solo) stack of barley (piano solo) strop the razor (piano solo) swallowtail jig (piano solo) sweet rosie o'grady tatther jack welsh (piano solo) teetotaler's reel (piano solo) tempest, the (piano solo) terence's farewell that tumble down shack in athlone there is not in the wide world tis an irish girl i love (and she's just like you) too ra loo ra loo ral (that's an irish lullaby) top of cork road (piano solo) trip it upstairs (piano solo) triple jig (piano solo) wearin o the green when he who adores thee when irish eyes are smiling where the river shannon flows white cockade, the (piano solo) who threw the overalls in mistress murphy's chowder widow machree (piano solo) wind that shakes the barley, the (piano solo) you can tell that i'm irish young may moon (piano solo) |
British Classics
Intermediate Piano Solo
If it helps, this collection is suitable for Associated Board Grades 3 to 5. If it doesn't help. . . consider the level around Easy Schumann, or perhaps a Bach Invention. Excellent arrangements of many well-known British songs. No lyrics! - this is all designed for piano solo. Published by Chester Music in Suffolk, United Kingdom (and I know that doesn't help at all. . .)
arrival of the queen of sheba - Handel cavatina - S. Myers, J. Williams early one morning - Anon. folk songs from somerset (from English Folk Song Suite) - R. Vaughan Williams gavot (from Symph. No. 4) - Boyce greensleeves - Henry VIII / Anon. hornpipe (from Water Music Suite) - Handel introduction and allegro - Elgar jerusalem - Parry jupiter (from The Planets) - Holst |
now is the month of maying - Thomas Morley onward christian soldiers - Sullivan pomp and circumstance march no. 1 - Elgar rondo (from Abdelazer) - Purcell rule britannia - T.A. Arne the heart asks pleasure first (The Sacrifice, from The Piano) - Nyman the lamb - J. Tavener the sun whose rays are all ablaze (from The Mikado) - Sullivan trumpet voluntary - J. Clarke when i am laid in earth (from Dido and Aeneas) - Purcell |
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