Compl. Classical Catalogs

Fake Books
Piano / Electronic Keyboard / Vocalists / Guitar / Solo Instruments

Fake Books are often massive collections with notated melody line, chord symbols, and complete lyrics. These are the mainstay of professional musicians. Once you've learned how to use a fake book, you will enjoy a new level of playing experience removed from the constraints of the realized accompaniment.
Anyone can enjoy the use of a fake book! But if you are not well versed in reading (and interpreting on the keyboard) chord symbols, and don't know what to do to provide a reasonable accompaniment for the left hand -- then the How To Use A Fakebook listed below will certainly help you get a thorough foundation.
Solo instrumentalists can save a lot of money by buying just one large fake book. Especially for those that play instruments not well supported in print music for popular titles, fake books are unbeatable!
- You will not see many (if any!) of these at your local sheet music store!!
- All Fake Books below are Sheet Music Online highly recommended titles
- Each collection below has its own page. To read contents lists click on title names:
- How To Play From a Fake Book
This is a wonderful book! Perfect for the intelligent adult (how many, many books are out there where the adult is considered brain-dead -- and of course those books are not promoted by Sheet Music Online!!). . . looking for a quick yet thorough approach to applying theory to music. Click the above title name for a description and review.
- Keyboard Runs For The Pop And Jazz Pianist
Nearly 100 pages and a CD, of right hand runs for rock, jazz, and everything in between.
This is a highly recommended book, the most useful book of this type we have ever seen, for the early intermediate to the most advanced pianist. If you have a fake book, get this. If you are going to get a fake book, get this. If your right hand needs something to do. . . get this!
- Your First Fake Book
These are simply great! I use these with my own students as a first Fake Book - RV.
All songs in C, with simplified chord harmonizations. Larger notation, easier to read, and a great way to learn to utilize the comprehensive fake book format! Great for self-study, or for teachers to use as an intro to reading charts.
- The Best Fake Book Ever
Yes, that is indeed the title! This is a new publication by Hal Leonard, and is one of the most comprehensive collections available. It's fun just to scan the contents list -- but note there are over 1000 songs!! This collection is available in a C edition, E-flat edition, or B-flat edition.
- The Ultimate Fake Book
This is the new edition of this massive collection, with over 1200 songs!! Combined with the Best Fake Book Ever fake book above, you will have all of the music ever printed in the history of the world. . . (...not!) This collection is available in a C edition, E-flat edition, or B-flat edition.
- Irving Berlin Fake Book
This outstanding collection features over 165 Berlin songs - from Broadway to Hollywood - and is a serious reference for any musician, performer, or Berlin fan.
- The Beatles Fake Book
200 of the Beatles' hits arranged in fake book format, featuring guitar chord frames and lyrics.
- Broadway Fake Book
Over 600 pages and over 650 songs from more than 200 Broadway shows! This is THE definitive collection of Broadway music!
- Country Fake Book
This spiral-bound massive collection contains over 700 songs, includes a glossary of guitar chord frames, and has an alphabetical and artist index.
- Jazz Fake Book
This is The Ultimate Jazz Fake Book and contains more than 625 songs. Huge collection which uses the most frequently used chords with some substitutions. As with almost all fake books, complete lyrics are included for the vocalist, with composer and performer indexes. This collection is available in a C edition, E-flat edition, or B-flat edition.
- The Real Jazz Fake Book
There is no song duplication between this huge fake book and the "Ultimate Jazz Fake Book" listed above!
- Movie Fake Book
400+ songs with a useful index system: song title / movie title / year / songwriter. Music that has gone out of print in standard piano/vocal format often end up in fake books.
- TV Fake Book
Come 'n listen to my story 'bout a man named Jed, a poor mountaineer, barely kept his fam'ly fed. . . 165+ songs from then to now. wwwilburrr. . .
- Pop Rock Fake Book
Now in it's 3rd edition, with over 500 popular standards and contemporary hits from 1955 to the present! This is an outstanding collection of popular music for the solo instrumentalist.
- The Latin Real Book
There is nothing to compare with this highest quality publication, for the advanced musician!
Salsa, Brazilian Music, Latin Jazz . . .
- Classical Fake Book
Over 600 themes and melodies on over 400 pages. And not just bits of themes, but complete themes! A real fake book style with melody, lyrics (when applicable), and chord symbols. Does not have guitar fretboards.
- The Hymn Fake Book
As far as we can tell, this wonderful collection is the only one of it's kind in print!
Specifically for GUITAR:
Click Here for More Fake Books. . . (alphabetical listing)
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