The Hymn Fake Book
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The Hymn Fake Book
Melody / Lyrics / Chord Symbols
Over 1000 hymns, over 500 pages! Melody line, all lyrics, chord symbols above the staff. Probably the largest collection of hymns every published, encompassing several centuries of cross-denominational hymns. All hymns include composer when known, year composed, alternate titles, original source (when known).
Alphabetical Contents:
abide in grace, lord jesus abide with me ah, holy jesus alas, and did my savior bleed all creatures of our god and king all day long all depends on our possessing all for jesus all glory, laud and honor all hail the power of jesus' name all people on earth do dwell all praise to our redeeming lord all praise to thee, my god this night all the way along all the way my savior leads me all things bright and beautiful all who believe and are baptized all ye who seek a comfort sure all your anxiety alleluia! alleluia! alleluia! alleluia! let the holy anthem rise alleluia, sing to jesus alleluia, song of gladness almighty god, thy word is cast almost persuaded am i a soldier of the cross amazing grace america, the beautiful and are we yet alive and can it be that i should gain and now, o father, mindful of the love angels from the realms of glory angels we have heard on high another year is dawning anywhere with jesus are you washed in the blood? arise, my soul, arise as pants the hart for cooling stream as the sun doth daily rise as with gladness men of old ask ye what great thing i know at calvary at the cross at the cross, her vigil keeping at the lamb's high feast we sing at the name of jesus awake and sing the song awake, awake to love and work awake, my heart, with gladness awake, my soul, and with the sun awake, my soul, stretch every nerve away in a manger banner of cross, the baptized into thy name most holy battle hymn of the republic be joyful, mary be known to us in breaking bread be present at our table, lord be still and know be still my soul be thou my vision beams of heaven as i go beautiful garden of prayer, the beautiful isle of somewhere beautiful savior because thou hast said before jehovah's awful throne before the lord we bow before thy throne, o god, we kneel behold the amazing gift of love behold thy throne of grace beloved, let us love beneath the cross of jesus beulah land bless the lord, o my soul bless thou the gifts bless, o my soul, the living god blessed assurance blessed be the name blessed jesus, at thy word blessed quietness blessed redeemer blessing and honor blest are the pure in heart blest be the dear uniting love blest be the tie that binds blood will never lose its power, the blow ye the trumpet, blow bow down thine ear, almighty lord bread of heaven, on thee i feed bread of the world break thou the bread of life breathe on me, breath of god bring your vessels, not a few built on the rock (the church doth stand) calvary cast thy burden upon the lord channels only charge to keep i have, a chief of sinners though i be child of the king, a christ arose (low in the grave he lay) christ for the world we sing christ is made the sure foundation christ jesus lay in death's strong bands christ of the upward way christ receiveth sinful men christ returneth christ the lord is risen again christ the lord is risen today christ, from whom all blessings flow christ, the life of all the living christ, we do all adore thee christ, whose glory fills skies christ, whose glory fills the skies church in the wildwood church's one foundation, the cleanse me cleansing wave, the close to thee come and dine come sing, ye choirs exultant come to calvary's holy mountain come with us, o blessed jesus come, and let us sweetly join come, christians, join to sing come, dearest lord, descend and dwell come, follow me, the savior spake come, gracious spirit, heavenly dove come, holy ghost, creator blest come, holy ghost, our hearts inspire come, holy ghost, our souls inspire come, holy spirit, dove divine come, holy spirit, heavenly dove come, let us join our cheerful songs come, let us join our friends above come, let us use the grace divine come, my way, my truth, my life come, o thou traveler unknown come, sinners, to the gospel feast come, thou almighty king come, thou fount of every blessing come, thou long-expected jesus come, we that love the lord come, ye disconsolate come, ye faithful, raise the strain come, ye sinners (poor and needy) come, ye thankful people, come come, ye that know and fear the lord comforter has come, the commit whatever grieves thee constantly abiding count your blessings covered by the blood creator spirit, by whose aid cross of jesus, cross of sorrow crown him with many crowns day by day day is dying in the west day is past and over, the day is surely drawing near, the day of resurrection, the day thou gavest, lord, is ended, the dear jesus, in whose life i see dear lord and father of mankind dearest jesus, we are here deck thyself, my soul, with gladness deeper and deeper deeper, deeper depth of mercy does jesus care? dona nobis pacem down at the cross (glory to his name) down by the riverside down in the valley draw nigh and take the body of the lord duteous day now closeth, the dwelling in beulah land earth, with all that dwell therein, the eastern gate, the eternal father, strong to save eternal ruler of the ceaseless round every bridge is burned behind me every time i feel the spirit face to face fairest lord jesus faith is the victory father of mercies, in thy word father, we praise thee fight the good fight fill me now fill thou my life, o lord, my god first noel, the fix me, jesus follow on footsteps of jesus for all the blessings of the year for all the saints for all thy saints, o lord for the beauty of the earth forth in thy name, o lord, i go forty days and forty nights forward through the ages friendship with jesus from all that dwell below the skies from every stormy wind that blows gentle jesus, meek and mild give him the glory give me jesus give me the faith which can remove give me thy heart give of your best to the master give rest, o christ give to our god immortal praise give to the winds thy fears gloria patri (glory be to the father) glorious church, a glorious freedom glorious things of thee are spoken glory be to god the father glory be to jesus go forward, christian soldier go to dark gethsemane go, tell it on the mountain god be with you till we meet again god is my strong salvation god is our refuge and our strength god is so good god is the refuge of his saints god leads us along god loved the world god moves in a mysterious way god of abraham praise, the god of grace and god of glory god of my life god of our fathers god so loved the world god the omnipotent! god will take care of you god's word is our great heritage god, our father, we adore thee god, that madest earth and heaven good christian men, rejoice grace greater than our sin grace! 'tis a charming sound great god, we sing that mighty hand great physician, the guide me, o thou great jehovah guide my feet hail the day that sees him rise hail to the lord's anointed hail, holy queen enthroned above hail, thou once despised jesus hallelujah! amen! hallelujah, praise jehovah hallelujah, what a savior! happy the home when god is there hark! ten thousand harps hark! the herald angels sing hark! the sound of holy voices hark! the voice of jesus crying have mercy, lord, on me have thine own way, lord have you any room for jesus? haven of rest, the he arose he brought me out he hideth my soul he is able to deliver thee he is arisen! glorious word! he is coming again he is king of kings he is risen, he is risen he is so precious to me he keeps me singing he leadeth me he lifted me he loves me he paid a debt he ransomed me he rolled the sea away he the pearly gates will open he took my sins away he's a wonderful savior to me he's everything to me he's got the whole world in his hands head that once was crowned with thorns, the hear our prayer, o lord hear what god the lord hath spoken heaven heavenly sunlight heavens declare thy glory, lord, the heralds of christ here at thy table, lord here, o my lord, i see thee face to face hidden peace hiding in thee higher ground his eye is on the sparrow his grace aboundeth more his way with thee his yoke is easy hold on to god's unchanging hand (hold to god's unchanging hand) hold the fort holiness unto the lord holy bible, book divine holy father, great creator holy god, we praise thy name holy is the lord holy spirit, light divine holy spirit, truth divine holy, holy, holy! lord god almighty hosanna to the living lord hosanna, loud hosanna how can a sinner know how firm a foundation how rich thy bounty, king of kings how sweet the name of jesus sounds how the fire fell how wondrous and great thy works i am coming, lord i am his and he is mine i am redeemed i am resolved i am thine, o lord i am trusting thee, lord jesus i belong to the king i bind unto myself today i call on thee, lord jesus christ i feel like traveling on i gave my life for thee i greet thee, who my sure redeemer art i have decided to follow jesus i heard the voice of jesus say i know a fount i know god's promise is true i know that my redeemer lives i know that my redeemer liveth i know whom i have believed i lay my sins on jesus i love the lord, who heard my cry i love thee i love thy kingdom, lord i love to tell the story i must tell jesus i need thee every hour i shall know him i shall not be moved i sing the mighty power of god i sought the lord i stand amazed in the presence (my savior's love) i surrender all i to the hills will lift my eyes i want a principle within i want jesus to walk with me i will bless thee, o lord i will praise him i will remember thee i will sing of my redeemer i will sing of the mercies (of the lord) i will sing the wondrous story i would be like jesus i would be true i would not be denied i'll be so glad when jesus comes i'll go where you want me to go i'll live for him i'll praise my maker while i've breath i'll walk with him always i'm gonna sing when the spirit says sing i've anchored in jesus i've found a friend (o such a friend!) i've found a friend, o such a friend! i've got peace like a river if god himself be for me if jesus goes with me if thou but suffer (god to guide thee) immortal, invisible in all my vast concerns with thee in christ there is no east or west in heaven above in heavenly love abiding in the cross of christ i glory in the garden in the hour of trial in the new jerusalem in the service of the king in thee is gladness in thee, lord, have i put my trust in thy cleft, o rock of ages infant holy, infant lowly is it for me? is it the crowning day is thy heart right with god? is your all on the altar? it came upon the midnight clear it cleanseth me it is glory just to walk with him it is good to sing thy praises it is mine it is truly wonderful it is well with my soul it's just like his great love ivory palaces jerusalem the golden jerusalem, my happy home jesus bids us shine jesus calls us o'er the tumult jesus christ is risen today jesus christ, my sure defense jesus is all the world to me jesus is tenderly calling jesus is the sweetest name i know jesus lives! the victory's won! jesus loves even me (i am so glad) jesus loves me jesus loves the little children jesus paid it all jesus saves! jesus shall reign (where'er the sun) jesus walked this lonesome valley jesus! name of wondrous love jesus! the name high over all jesus! thine all-victorious love jesus! what a friend to sinners jesus, i am resting, resting jesus, i come jesus, i my cross have taken jesus, i will ponder now jesus, in thy dying woes jesus, keep me near the cross jesus, lord, we look to thee jesus, lover of my soul jesus, my strength, my hope jesus, priceless treasure jesus, refuge of the weary jesus, savior, pilot me jesus, still lead on jesus, the very thought of thee jesus, thou everlasting king jesus, thou joy of loving hearts jesus, thy blood and righteousness jesus, thy boundless love to me jesus, united by thy grace jesus, where'er thy people meet joy to the world joy unspeakable joyful, joyful, we adore thee judge eternal, throned in splendor just a closer walk with thee just as i am just over in the gloryland king of love my shepherd is, the kum ba yah lamp of our feet, whereby we trace |
lead me to calvary lead me, lord lead on, o king eternal lead us, heavenly father, lead us lead us, o father, in the paths of peace leaning on the everlasting arms leave it there let all mortal flesh keep silence let all on earth their voices raise let all the people praise thee let all together praise our god let jesus come into your heart let me be thine forever let saints on earth in concert sing let the whole creation cry let the lower lights be burning let thy blood in mercy poured let us break bread together let us now our voices raise let us plead for faith alone let us with a gladsome mind life's railway to heaven lift up your heads, o mighty gates (lift up your heads, ye mighty gates) light of world is jesus, the light's abode, celestial salem like a river glorious lily of valley, the little is much when god is in it living for jesus lo, he comes with clouds descending lo, how a rose e'er blooming lo, what a cloud of witnesses look and live look, ye saints, the sight is glorious lord ascendeth up on high, the lord is in his holy temple, the lord jehovah reigns, the lord jesus christ, be present now lord jesus christ, our lord most dear lord jesus christ, we humbly pray lord jesus, think on me lord of all being, throned afar lord of glory, who hast brought us lord will come and not be slow, the lord's my shepherd, i'll not want, the lord, be thy word my rule lord, dismiss us with thy blessing lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor lord, for tomorrow and its needs lord, from the depths to thee i cry lord, i want to be a christian lord, i'm coming home lord, if at thy command lord, keep us steadfast in thy word lord, lay some soul upon my heart lord, make us more holy lord, our lord, thy glorious name lord, speak to me (that i may speak) lord, teach us how to pray aright lord, thee i love with all my heart lord, who throughout these forty days lord, with glowing heart i'd praise thee love divine, all loves excelling love lifted me love of god, the majestic sweetness sits enthroned make me a captive, lord make me a channel of blessing maker, in whom we live master, the tempest is raging may god bestow on us his grace may the grace of christ our savior may we thy precepts, lord, fulfill mighty fortress is our god, a moment by moment more about jesus more love to thee (o christ) must jesus bear the cross alone my anchor holds my burdens rolled away my country, 'tis of thee (america) my faith has found a resting place my faith looks up to thee my god, and is thy table spread my god, how wonderful thou art my god, i love thee my hope is built on nothing less my jesus, i love thee my lord, what a morning my savior first of all my shepherd is the lord my shepherd will supply my need my song forever shall record my song is love unknown my soul is filled with glory my soul, now bless thy maker my soul, repeat his praise nature with open volume stands near to the heart of god nearer, my god, to thee nearer, still nearer never said a mumblin' word (he never said a mumblin' word) new every morning is the love new name in glory, a no, not one! not so in haste, my heart nothing between nothing but the blood now israel may say now thank we all our god now the day is over now to the king of heaven now, on land and sea descending o bless the lord, my soul! o blest the house, whate'er befall o breath of life o brother man, fold to thy heart o christ, our hope o christ, our true and only light o christ, thou lamb of god o christ, who art the light and day o come and dwell in me o come and mourn with me awhile o come, all ye faithful (adeste fideles) o come, o come, emmanuel o could i speak the matchless worth o day of rest and gladness o father, all-creating o food to pilgrims given o for a closer walk with god o for a heart to praise my god o for a thousand tongues to sing o gladsome light o god of god, o light of light o god of jacob, by whose hand o god of love, o king of peace o god of mercy, god of might o god, our help in ages past o god, thou faithful god o god, unseen yet ever near o god, whom neither time nor space o happy day o holy spirit, enter in o jesus, blessed lord, to thee o jesus, crucified for man o jesus, i have promised o jesus, king most wonderful o jesus, savior, i long to rest o joyful sound of gospel grace o lamb of god most holy o little town of bethlehem o living bread from heaven o lord of life, where'er they be o lord, make haste to hear my cry o love divine, what hast thou done o love that casts out fear o love that wilt not let me go o love, how deep, how broad, how high o master, let me walk with thee o my soul, bless thou jehovah o perfect love o sacred head, now wounded o saving victim (o salutaris) o savior, precious savior o sometimes the shadows are deep o sons and daughters, let us sing! o spirit of the living god o splendor of god's glory bright o that i had a thousand voices o that the lord would guide my ways o that will be glory o the deep, deep love of jesus o thou my soul, bless god the lord o thou who camest from above o thou, in whose presence o to be like thee! o trinity of blessed light o very god of very god o what their joy and their glory must be o wondrous sight! o vision fair o word of god incarnate o worship the king o zion, haste of the father's love begotten oh, how i love jesus (o how i love jesus) old rugged cross, the on jordan's bank the baptist's cry on jordan's stormy banks on my heart imprint thine image on our way rejoicing on this day, the first of days on what has now been sown once for all once he came in blessing once in royal david's city once to every man and nation one day one there is, above all others only a sinner only a step to jesus only believe only trust him only-begotten, word of god eternal onward, christian soldiers open my eyes, that i may see open now thy gates of beauty our father, thou in heaven above our lord is risen from the dead palms (les rameaux), the pass me not, o gentle savior peace to soothe our bitter woes peace, perfect peace pentecostal power praise god, from whom all blessings flow praise him! praise him! praise him, all ye little children praise the lord of heaven praise the lord through every nation praise the lord who reigns above praise the lord! ye heavens, adore him praise the lord, sing hallelujah praise the savior, ye who know him praise to god immortal praise praise to the father praise to the holiest in the height praise to the living god praise to the lord, the almighty praise we the lord this day praise ye the triune god praise, my soul, the king of heaven prayer is the soul's sincere desire precious memories ready redeemed rejoice in the lord always rejoice, the lord is king rejoice, ye pure in heart renew me, o eternal light rescue the perishing revive us again ride on! ride on in majesty! ring the bells of heaven rise up, oh men of god (rise up, o men of god) rise, my soul, to watch and pray rise, ye children of salvation rock of ages round the lord in glory seated safe in the arms of jesus safely through another week sanctifying power sands of time are sinking, the satisfied saved by grace saved by the blood saved, saved! savior, again to thy dear name savior, like a shepherd lead us savior, more than life to me savior, when in dust to thee see how great a flame aspires see, the conqueror mounts in triumph send the light shall i crucify my savior? shall we gather at the river? shelter in the time of storm, a shepherd of souls, refresh and bless shepherd of tender youth silent night since i have been redeemed since jesus came into my heart sing hallelujah, praise the lord! sing praise to god who reigns above sing praise to god, who reigns above sing praises to god sing to the lord of harvest sing with all the saints in glory sing, my soul, his wondrous love sing, my tongue, the glorious battle singing i go so let our lips and lives express softly and tenderly soldiers of christ, arise somebody's knocking at your door something for thee sometimes a light surprises son of god goes forth to war, the soul of my savior soul, adorn thyself with gladness sound the battle cry spacious firmament on high, the spirit divine, attend our prayers spirit of faith, come down spirit of god, descend upon my heart stand up and bless the lord stand up, stand up for jesus standin' in the need of prayer (standing in the need of prayer) standing on the promises star spangled banner, the steal away (steal away to jesus) stepping in the light still sweeter every day still, still with thee strife is o'er, battle done, the sun of my soul sunlight in my soul sunshine in my soul sweet by and by sweet hour of prayer sweet will of god sweeter as the years go by swing low, sweet chariot take my life and let it be take the name of jesus with you take thou our minds, dear lord take time to be holy take up thy cross, the savior said talk with us, lord teach me thy way, o lord teach me, my god and king tell it to jesus tell me the old, old story tell me the stories of jesus tell me the story of jesus that beautiful name thee we adore, eternal lord thee we adore, o hidden savior thee will i love, my strength there is a balm in gilead there is a fountain there is a green hill far away there is a land of pure delight there is no name so sweet on earth there is power in the blood there shall be showers of blessing there's a great day coming there's a wideness in god's mercy thine arm, o lord, in days of old thine is the glory this is like heaven to me this is my father's world this is the day the lord hath made this is thy will, i know this joyful eastertide thou art the way thou hallowed chosen morn of praise thou hidden love of god thou hidden source of calm repose thou, whose almighty word though troubles assail and dangers affright throned upon the awful tree thy kingdom come! on bended knee thy kingdom come, o god! thy mercy and thy truth, o lord tis finished! the messiah dies tis midnight, and on olive's brow tis so sweet to trust in jesus tis the gift to be simple (simple gift) to be like jesus to bless the earth to christ, the prince of peace to god be the glory to the name of our salvation today thy mercy calls us trust and obey trusting jesus turn your eyes upon jesus twas on that dark, that doleful night unclouded day, the under his wings unsearchable riches unto the hills unveiled christ, the verily, verily, i say unto you victim divine, thy grace we claim victory all the time voice of god is calling, the wake, awake, for night is flying walking in the king's highway walking with jesus way of cross leads home, the wayfaring stranger we all believe in one true god we are climbing jacob's ladder we believe in one true god we gather together we give thee but thine own we have an anchor we plow the fields and scatter we praise thee, o god, our redeemer we shall see the king someday we sing the glorious conquest we sing the praise of him who died we three kings of orient are we worship and adore you we would see jesus we'll understand it better by and by we'll work till jesus comes we're marching to zion we've a story to tell the nations welcome, happy morning! welcome, welcome were you there? what a friend we have in jesus what a mighty god we serve what a wonderful savior! what child is this? what if it were today what wondrous love is this when all thy mercies, o my god when i can read my title clear when i see the blood when i survey the wondrous cross when in the hour of utmost need when in the night i meditate when israel was in egypt's land (go down moses) when jesus wept when morning gilds the skies when morning lights the eastern skies when the roll is called up yonder when we all get to heaven where cross the crowded ways of life where he leads i'll follow where he leads me i will follow where they need no sun wherefore, o father, we thy humble servants wherewith, o lord, shall i draw near while jesus whispers to you while shepherds watched their flocks whisper a prayer whispering hope whiter than snow who are these like stars appearing who is on the lord's side? who trusts in god, a strong abode whosoever meaneth me whosoever will wide open are thy hands will jesus find us watching will you not tell it today? wilt thou forgive that sin wonderful grace of jesus wonderful peace wonderful savior wonderful story of love wonderful words of life wonderful, wonderful jesus work, for the night is coming world is very evil wounded for me ye holy angels bright ye ransomed sinners, hear ye servants of god ye watchers and ye holy ones yesterday, today, forever yield not to temptation |
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