Compl. Classical Catalogs

The Best of Contemporary Christian Fake Book
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Best of Contemporary Christian Fake Book
Melody / Lyrics / Chord Symbols

This is a Word Music publication, published in conjunction with their new buddies Hal Leonard. This is the only such fake book in print, with the latest songs in melody/lyrics/chord symbol format. I must admit that the publishers have really got the fake books worked out totally, in terms of contents, clarity, thoroughness. Huge collection 1 1/2 inches thick and over 5 lbs.! Highly recommended!
Alphabetical Contents:
abba (father) above and beyond adonai agnus dei all in favor all is well all my life all rise almighty almighty god altar, the anchor holds, the angels another time, another place answer to my prayer arise, my love awesome god basics of life, the be still, my soul beauty for ashes bethlehem morning better is one day between you and me beyond belief big house blame it on the one i love blood will never lose its power, the breath of heaven (mary's song) breathe butterfly kisses by my spirit call, the calvary's love can you reach my friend can't live a day center of mark, the charity charm is deceitful cherish the treasure children of the world choose life circle of friends circle of two coloring song, the come celebrate jesus come just as you are come to the table consume me cornerstone creed creed (credo) cross of love crucified with christ day he wore my crown, the deep enough to dream destined to win did you feel the mountains tremble? dive doubly good to you down on my knees draw me close dying to reach you each one, reach one eagle song easter song el shaddai embrace the cross emmanuel exalt the name faith walkin' people faith, hope & love farther on father hath provided again, the father lift me up father's eyes favorite song of all feel the nails find a way find us faithful flesh of my flesh flood for all the world for future generations for such a time as this for the sake of the call for those tears i died for who he really is forever friends forgiven friend of a wounded heart friends gather at the river get down gift goes on, the give them all to jesus gloria go go light your world god god and god alone god has another plan god is able god is all around god is in control god is with us god of wonders god so loved god will make a way got to tell somebody grave robber great adventure, the great divide, the great exchange, the great is the lord hand on my shoulder happy road he covers me he holds the keys he is he is able he is exalted he loved me with a cross he who began a good work in you he will carry you heart like mine, a heart of worship, the heaven in the real world heaven is counting on you heavenly father heirlooms here i am he's alive he's been faithful his eyes his grace is greater his love was reaching his strength is perfect hold me jesus holiness hollow eyes home free home where i belong hope set high hope to carry on hosanna household of faith how beautiful how could i ask for more how excellent is thy name how majestic is your name hunger for holiness i am determined i am not ashamed i am the way i am your servant i believe i call him love i can begin again i could sing of your love forever i dedicate all my love to you i don't know why (jesus loves me) i love you with my life i pledge allegiance to the lamb i promise i surrender all i want to be just like you i want to know you i will be free i will be here i will be here for you i will choose christ i will follow christ i will rest in you i wish we'd all been ready i.o.u. me if you could see what i see if you want me to i'll be believing i'll lead you home i'm forgiven i'm yours imagine me without you immanuel in a little while in all of his glory in christ alone in heaven's eyes in his presence in remembrance of me in the name of the lord in this very room into jesus isn't it amazing it won't be long i've just seen jesus jehovah jesus freak jesus is the answer jesus the one and only jesus will still be there jesus, king of angels joy of lord, the keep the candle burning known by the scars lamb of glory lamb of god lead me on lead of love |
lean on me let there be praise lift him up light of the world light your world lion and lamb, the liquid little more, a live for jesus live for you live out loud live the life look what god is doing lord of all lord of eternity lord of the harvest lord, i believe in you lord, i lift your name on high love crucified arose love has come love him in the morning (all day song) love in any language love of christ, the love of the lasting kind love one another love song, a love will be our home love you with my life lover of my soul make his praise glorious man after your own heart man of god mansion builder mary, did you know? measure of a man, the mercy came running mercy said no message, the mirror mission, the more (of you) more power to ya more than anything more than wonderful more to this life mountain top my deliverer my faith will stay my life is in your hands my place is with you my soul desire my tribute my turn now my utmost for his highest my will no other name but jesus no way, we are not ashamed nobody knows me like you o calvary's lamb o magnify the lord oh buddha oh lord, you're beautiful old man's rubble on my knees once in a lifetime one drop of blood one more broken heart one more song for you one small child only god could love you more only thing i need, the ordinary people passin' the faith along peace that passes understanding people get ready...jesus is comin' people need the lord perfect union place in this world potter's hand, the power of your love, the praise the king praise the lord praise the lord, he never changes pray pray for me prayer proclaim the glory of the lord psalm 1 psalm 121 real thing reason we sing, the redeemer revive us, o lord rise again robe, the run to the battle run to you runner sacrifice of love sail on say the name sea of forgetfulness, the serve the lord shepherd boy shepherd of my heart shine shine down shine on us shout to the lord signs of life sincerely yours sing to the lord sing your praise to the lord sometimes 'alleluia' sometimes by step sometimes he calms the storm sometimes he comes in the clouds sometimes miracles hide somewhere down the road somewhere in the world soon and very soon special delivery speechless spirit song stand standing in the gap for you star of the morning steady on straight ahead stranger to holiness strength of my life stubborn love surrender sweet adoration take me back take me there take me to your leader take my life takes a little time thank you thankful heart that's what a brother is for that's what faith must be that's what love is for there is a redeemer there is a savior there stood a lamb they could not this day this i know this is the day (a wedding song) this is your time this little child this mystery through it all thy word to know you touch of master's hand, the traces of heaven trains up in the sky treasure trumpet of jesus trust his heart undivided undo me up where we belong upon this rock via dolorosa warrior is a child, the warrior, the was it a morning like this? watch the lamb watercolour ponies we are his hands we are the reason we believe we believe in god we bow down we fall down we need jesus we shall behold him we will see him as he is we will stand (you're my brother, you're my sister) welcome to our world were it not for grace what a day when answers aren't enough when god ran when god's people pray when praise demands a sacrifice where are the other nine where the nails were where there is faith which way the wind blows who will be jesus who will call him king of kings who will save the children why should the devil have all the good music why should the father bother? why we sing with all my heart written in red you are holy you are my all in all you are the answer you gave me love you put this love in my heart your love broke through |
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